Friday, May 1, 2015

EME 2040 Reflective Post

My experiences with EME 2040 online class have been amazing! I was extremely nervous to sign up for this class. I had no idea what I was getting myself into because this was my first teaching class and I just decided over last summer to purse my passion in the education industry. When I first bought my textbook I immediately felt overwhelmed because of all of the information listed inside, the thought ran through my mind how could I possibly learn everything thing in this book? Below I added a photo of what the book looks like.

 To calm myself of the nervousness I logged on to the canvas website and looked up our syllabus to see the exact layout of our class schedule. I've added a Photo below that shows you what the Class schedule looks like in our syllabus.
Before I even got to click on the syllabus a video on our home page caught my attention, In that video was our professor Mrs. Coleman and she was briefly herself as well as describing what we will be facing in this class. This video was great! It really helped calm my nerves because I got to see and learn about my professor, and her personality, and what to except from this class. I've taken online classes before where I have had no idea what my professor looks like or how their personalities are. Now for the syllabus, it really helped me because it broke down the assignments week by week which made the class assignments less overwhelming. My favorite assignments were: First the group activity called “lesson plan”, I really enjoyed this activity because it was nice working with my classmates and learning about their teaching experiences. I found their learning experiences to be very interesting mainly because I haven’t been lucky enough to experience it myself, so it was nice hearing their stories as well as working together in a group to complete our project together. The second assignment that I really enjoyed is called the “Digital Blog Post”. We were given these at least once a week, what I liked most about this assignment is that we had to speak about the three concepts from the chapter. Doing so really helped me learn what the chapters were about and then I got to express these concepts with some personal experiences through new technology called “GoogleBlogger”. I've never used any type of blogging tool so it was great learning how to. Overall I really enjoyed taking this class, I am so happy I started with this class as a first step towards my teaching career I would recommend this class to anyone interested in the teaching profession. 

Below I uploaded a short video which is a timeline of technology for teachers from YouTube:

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

SMART, Technologies EMEA. (2011, 10 03).The history of technology in education. Retrieved 4 29, 2015, from you tube :

Verock, R.-E. A. (2015). Transforming Learning with New Technologies (2nd Edition). Retrieved 4 29, 2015, from Amazon:

Thursday, April 16, 2015


For my first concept I found the idea of Inclusion and Infusion of Technology very interesting. “Inclusion means that computers and information technologies are used mainly for transferring information and practicing skills.” “Infusion, on the other hand, means that computers and other information technologies are ongoing features of teaching and learning in all academic subjects at all grades.” In other words the use of Inclusion technology would involve minimal uses of computer based teaching meaning while Infusion would infer to a maximal use computer based teaching. When I was in high school when had to do Inclusion, we had to go to the computer lab at least once a week. But now most high school students have to complete infusion where they must go to the computer lab every day. I've entered a short video below just to show you how simple inclusion is and how much it can change a life. 

For my second concept I chose One-to-One Laptop Computing. “One-to-One Laptop Computing means every student in a grade school, or district has her or his own computing device to use in school.” This gives student something of a digital binder for classes that can benefit both students and teachers. The laptops would make it easy for students to organize their digital binder categorized by subject and date to help students and teachers keep track of their school work. Unfortunately the students’ handwriting skill may decay and may not progress as it should. Being a college student and using my laptop for organization reason has really helped me out, I wish one-to-one laptop computing was aloud in high school because I know it could have helped me out a lot with staying organized especially taking eight classes.

My last concept is Developing a Technology-Leading Mindset. Teachers that have technology-leading mindset tend to have a more creative way of teaching. The world as we know it is becoming more technical by the years, so why wouldn’t teachers have this mindset. This mindset will fill teachers’ curiosity and perseverance that will allow teachers to keep search for technology which will assist with the student’s learning. For teachers this search is never ending, for there is always a new type of technology to assist them in teaching as well as learning for teachers. I have not personally dealt with siltation but from what I have read this technology sounds very impressive and useful.

In conclusion, my concepts were Inclusion and Infusion of Technology, One-to-One Laptop Computing, and Developing a Technology-Leading Mindset. Inclusion and infusion of technology infers to the minimal and maximal use of computing technology. One-to-one Laptop Computing would benefit students with the organizing task a student would usually face on his own. And Developing a Technology Leading Mindset is the future of education for future teachers to obtain to help students reach their academic potentials.  


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Urich, C. (2015, 4 16). your designs . Retrieved 4 16, 2015, from canva:

colorincolorado. (2014, 12 14).Inclusion. Retrieved 4 16, 2015, from you tube :

Thursday, April 9, 2015


For my first concept I chose Using Social Bookmarking. Social bookmarking peaked my arousal due to the thought of having a project that is worth the majority of your grade can be stressful especially when you have to do the research. Thanks to social bookmarking the research is no longer a big deal. Students go online to research certain subjects for projects and regular class work but since there has already been a certain amount of students researching the same information social bookmarking allows the students to find information easier due to prior searches done by other students on the subject. I have personally used this method for some of my research papers through high school and college.

Now for my second concept I found Taking Virtual Field Trips to be very interesting because the thought of going around the world without taking a step off the United States boarder is amazing but doing it without taking a step outside of your class room is just unconceivable. Due to our technology student can travel to places of academic interest without from school. Imagine you have a project on Asian architect and being able to do that project without traveling to the other side of the planet. In my opinion it saves both time and money I just wish this technology came out a long time ago. I've uploaded a short nine minute virtual field trip video to the Amazon Rainforest. 

Finally for my last concept I picked Debates over Virtual School. There have been many arguments on whether students should have the option to do schooling online rather than going to schools instead. I believe this debate brings up both good and bad scenarios. The idea of not having to wake up early everyday to go to school can play less stress on students. Also the idea of working at your own pace and taking your time with a class assignment or completing a week’s work worth of assignments in one day and having a six day weekend would an excellent way to go through your school work. Unfortunately this would mean fewer students going to school making the demand for teachers very low causing most of them to lose their jobs. Some may also argue learning through a computer is not the same as learning from a person. Also there is really no way of knowing if the student is doing the work or if someone else is doing it for them.

In conclusion, my concepts were Social Bookmarking, Taking Virtual Field Trips, and Debates over Virtual Schools. Social Bookmarking is great for students who are searching certain websites for research purposes. Taking Virtual Field Trips are interesting due to the thought of exploring the world without leaving your classroom. And Debates over Virtual School can be both benefit and be an inconvenience to the students.   

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Urich, C. (2015, 4 7). your designs . Retrieved 4 9, 2015, from canva:

VirtualFieldTripsnet. (2014, 11 1). Virtual Field Trip - Amazon Rainforest. Retrieved 4 8, 2015, from you tube :

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


For my first concept I chose Democratic Schools and Classrooms. “Democratic schools and classrooms are places where students and teachers together make substantive decisions about important aspects of educational operations, from the academic curriculum to school climate and rules.” The benefit of implementing democracy in the education system can increase cooperation from students for they have a say in the rules and teaching methods. As well as happy teaching staff for they also have a say in the way they can teach their classes and go about their days. Unfortunately there is a downside to having a democratic school and classroom. If there are too many votes that which counter act each other the number of unhappy students and teachers will be high.I do not have any personal experiences with this topic but I can definitely see how they can counter act each other.
Now for my second concept I picked Online Surveys for Preassessment. “Online surveys are an effective way to activate prior knowledge and involve students in the Preassessment process.” “Preassessments occur before introducing a new lesson, topic, or unit as a way for teachers to determine what the students know or can already do in order to inform subsequent plans for teaching.” This technique can be used to assess the student knowledge on what they are and are not familiar with the curriculum. Teachers can use this to give themselves and idea on what the majority of the students need to sharpen up on to keep them caught up with the curriculum. In middle school I remember having to take about two or three preassements test, because I was going into high school and  they wanted to see where to place me in reading and math classes (intermediate, normal, or  advance).

Finally for my third concept I picked Preparing for High Stakes Tests. High stakes test, similar to the FCAT are required to pass in order for the student pass there grade level or even high school. Preparing for these test are critical for both teachers and students because students need to pass their grade levels and it’s the teacher’s duty for the student to pass. High stakes test usually consist certain subjects such as language arts, math, science or history and multiple choice question which give the students a 25% chance of getting the questions correct. I remember Back in high school having to take an entire elective class called "test prep" and it was just a class to help us get prepared for the FCAT and SAT, to me it was a complete waist of time but to others in seemed to really help.  I've uploaded this three minute video that informs you on some general information about high stakes testing.

In conclusion democratic schools and classrooms can have ups and downs either benefiting the teacher, students, both or even neither. Surveys for Preassessment help student in the learning process by showing teachers what is needed for the students to improve and stay on track with the curriculum. Preparing for high stakes test help student pass their grade and even high school. This is my conclusion to my concepts.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Prepworks2400. (2013, May 29) How to Prepare for SAT,ACT, and High-Stakes Test.

 Retrieved March 31, 2015.

 Urich, C. (2015, March 31).DIGITAL BLOG POST #J Chapter 11. Retrieved March 20,2015. from

Friday, March 20, 2015


My first concept is understanding by design also known as backward design which is used to develop a curriculum. By using a strategy called enduring understanding teachers can help teach students lessons that will last them a life time. Enduring understanding takes place when teachers implement ideas and information that stick to the minds of the students.

For my second concept I chose using technology in lesson planning, this technology includes resources such as the internet. The Internet provides teachers with numerous materials that can be used to teach students many subjects. The internet can also be used to help teacher develop their lesson planning. By using website and online application teachers can increase the students learning and decrease the duration it takes teacher to prepare lesson plans. I uploaded a short YouTube video that is about a student showing you how many uses there are for technology to help you create a lesson plan. 

Finally I picked test assessment for my third concept, teachers use tests to help determine the students progress in the teacher’s classroom. Teachers use different forms of testing such as Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced. Norm-referenced is often used for teachers to determine a student’s score rank by comparing the student’s test scores with their classmate’s scores. Criterion-referenced is used to determine the student’s performance by comparing the student’s present score with passed score within the same subject.

For my conclusion, understanding by design or backward design can be used to develop a curricular which uses a strategy known as enduring understanding. Using technology in lesson planning uses internet resources and online applications to help teachers provide their students learn various subjects. And test assessments are used by teachers to determine the student’s progress. 


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

steveleeignacio. (2011, August 14)  Technology Lesson Plans K-5 Computer Lab. Retrieved March 20, 2015.

 Urich, C. (2015, March 20).DIGITAL BLOG POST #I Chapter 4. Retrieved March 20,2015. from Tackk:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


My first concept is Youtube, handcrafted videos, and streaming video resources. The internet has many resourceful videos to help web surfers learn new skills. These step by step instructional videos teach any number of things from plumbing to building a computer. But in this situation these videos will help teachers with teaching their students in any subject from math to science and even history.

My next concept is Digital video cameras. Digital video cameras are useful for teachers as a learning instrument. They allow teacher to snap good quality pictures of learning moments and adjust the pictures to their liking. Adjustments or editing such as cropping, lighting, creating slideshows, etc. These functions combined with a teacher’s planning can help a teacher demonstrate a lesson or project with ease.

My last concept is Digital video and storytelling. Digital story telling is a great concept for subjects such as English and language arts. This concept can be used for group play projects and benefit the students by being able watch themselves as they play a part or a character. This concept also gives the students the ability to redo any acts or scenes the students may not be too proud of. Below I've uploaded a short Youtube video explaining what Digital story telling it.  

In conclusion, online video resources such as Youtube can benefit teacher and students because of the variety of instructional videos they have available to them. Digital cameras assist teacher with teaching by allowing teacher to edit photos and create educational slideshows to help students learn. And digital video and storytelling helps students are great for acting and play projects to allow students to view and possibly redo any acts or scenes that they may not be happy with. 


Gratigny. (2009, September 1) What is Digital Storytelling? .. Retrieved March 09, 2015.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Urich, C. (2015, March 09).DIGITAL BLOG POST #H Chapter 9. Retrieved March 11,2015. from Tackk:

Friday, February 27, 2015

Digital Blog Post #G Chapter 10

My first concept in chapter 10 is assistive technology to reach diverse learning. I found this concept interesting because the concept of those who are hearing sight and mobility or cognitive impaired. From reading and comprehension to writing and spelling assistance. Though the program is helpful the program itself can have a negative affect as well. For example if the student becomes reliable on the program for it's spelling assistance.

For my next concept in chapter 10 I have chosen writing transformations with technology. I picked this concept because it's directed mostly for students from kindergarten to sixth grade. At these grade students are often pressured to spell words correctly, use correct punctuation, and even grammar. This can destroy any confidence or joy a student may obtain with writing. These programs are meant to keep the students interested and feel confident in their ability to write. Below I have entered a short video on how mind craft is helping third graders learn social studies.

Finally my last concept in chapter 10 is adaptations for classroom learning with technology. Teachers use this kind of program to help them plan the curriculum for the students and more. By using low, mid, and high tech accommodations teacher have many different setting and tools to plan. By adapting these programs into the classroom teacher could have the class schedule planned the night before.

For my conclusion, Assistive technology to reach diverse learning, transformation with technology, and adaptation for classroom learning with technology all make teaching students easy. By helping those who are hearing, sight, mobility impaired whether they are kindergartners or sixth graders all students now have equal learning opportunities. Though these programs help students improve in one aspect of their education the programs may leave the students dependent on the program for spelling, grammar check, or punctuation corrections rather than the students recognizing these errors on their own.


Urich, C. (2015, 2 27). Adaptations for Classroom Learning with Technology. Retrieved 2 27, 2015, from Tackk:

EdTech. (2014, February 25) 

Minecraft in Education: Civics/Community Project (Technology Integration).. Retrieved February 23, 2015.

Maloy, R. W. (2014). Transforming Learning with New Technology. Upper Saddle River: Pearson .

Monday, February 16, 2015


My first concept for chapter eight is Electronic communication between teachers and students. Electronic communication between teachers and students is teachers and students communicating via email, text message, classroom websites, blogs, etc. I like the idea of teachers being more involved with a student’s life than just in the classroom. This way students can always ask his or her teacher for assistance with homework assignment, tip for studying, or assignments for extra credit.


My second concept is Wikis as a collaborative learning strategy. Wikis as a collaborative learning strategy is a website or blog space that is collaboratively edited and maintained by a group. I feel wikis are a great idea for one the wiki can help the students stay in track with a subject by having students submits fact and or essays on assignment for other students to see and study.   

My third and last concept is Social networking for education. Social networking for education is a way of using a Facebook like website for an academic purpose. I think the idea of creating a social network website to helps students keep themselves updated with the subject is great. Each student could create a profile and the teachers would have them post assignments given to them on their pages. Another way the social network would help students is by student posting questions on the teacher’s page for him or her page to answer the student’s question.



In conclusion, Electronic communication between teachers and students is a great way for teachers to be more academically involved with the students outside of school by utilizing today’s technology. Wikis as a collaborative learning strategy is a good way to keep students on the same academic level by submitting facts related to their curriculum in order to improve their knowledge on their subject. And Social networking for education great way to have student to improve their level of education on the subject by completing assignment the teacher may give the students on their page or by teachers to answer any question students leave on their page.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Urich, C.(2015, February 16).  Digital Blog Post #F Chapter 8. Created with PowToon

BENT. (2012, April 13)Social Media for Education .. Retrieved February 16, 2015.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015


My first concept of chapter seven is computer games as learning resources. Describes how to turn computer games into a learning source for students. Students love playing video games, they spend more time playing them than studying or doing homework. That being said what better way to give students the motivation to study their curriculum better than something they spend so much of their voluntary doing. I do believe if computer games were used as a learning resource students would not only show more interest in their school work but also improve at it.

I found my second concept hardware and software for teaching and learning to be very interesting. Helping students learn is great but what about teachers? I believe teachers should have some kind of application that helps them learn better ways to teach students. Times are changing and so are students, teachers have to find new ways and new approaches to help the new generation of students learn to their full potential.

Finally my last concept is steps and solving problems. Students have to deal with many complicated open questions. Teachers need steps to solving these question rather than having the students throw random conclusions at the problem and hoping they are correct. Luckily there are steps teachers have in place help student to find the correct conclusion to every problems whether it would be math, science, or any other problem solving subjects. I have uploaded a video above to demonstrating the 7 step problem solving.

For my Conclusion computer games as learning resources will in my opinion increase the students learning indefinitely. Hardware and software for teaching and learning to be very helpful for teachers and students by helping teachers stay up to date with new teaching strategies in helping students learn. And finally steps and solving problems to help students solve almost any subject that provides open ended question by teaching the needed steps to solve the problems.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Urich, C.(2015, February 10).  Digital Blog Post #F Chapter 7. Created with PowToon

BENT. (2015, February 10). 7 step problem solving. Retrieved February 10, 2015.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


My first concept is about e-Books and e-Readers. Times are changing, as we move towards the future more in physical information is turning into data information. Physical information such as books are now available online and through hand held portable computers such as kindles, I pads, and even cell phones. Which brings up the concern if the amount of time students actually read is increasing or decreasing. Do students prefer actual books or electronic books? In my opinion the electronic books are better not only in the making students read more but to making it convenient to carry many book at one including any text books college students may need for the classroom all in a lightweight portable computer rather than dealing the weight of many books or taking repeated trips to the lockers. I've added a video below to show you the top ten e book readers and the prices they range in.

Secondly I found the concept Free-Text, Keyword, and Boolean Searches. Free-Text searches are helpful when you are not quite sure what you're looking for but have somewhat of an idea. In this case you will get many search hits to look through to try and find what information you're looking for. If you know exactly what you're looking the Free-Text would somewhat of a headache considering that you would obtain a vast amount of information in which you weren't searching for. That's where Keyword come to play. Keyword searches are for more specific searches for users who know exactly the information they need to obtain and can find it in a matter seconds to minutes with least amount of irrelevant information. And Boolean helps specify searches by adding words such and, or,and not. OR would be used to make the search less restrictive as AND is more restrict and included other specific information and NO would be to exclude any and every unwanted information to specify the search.

Finally I found the last concept Wikipedia: An Online Encyclopedia to be interesting because it's an easily accessed well known website about fact and information that is constantly updated. Wikipedia has hundreds of millions of users that visit every year learning facts that other users have posted which is then verified by other online sources. That being said, Wikipedia is also known for having false information. There are thousands of users who post information on this Wikipedia daily making it nearly impossible for Wikipedia to double check every all information uploaded on the website whether false or true.

Now for my conclusion I found all three concepts  e-Books and e-Readers, Free-Text, Keyword, and Boolean Searches, and Wikipedia: An Online Encyclopedia. Online reading material like e-Books and e-Readers seem to more convenient for use rather than regular books and seem to have peaked the interest of readers. Free-Text. Keyword, and Boolean Searches are used to specify, widen, and exclude in order make searches more adequate for obtaining any information. Meanwhile Wikipedia: An Online Encyclopedia is used for Biographies, stories, and history events but since these facts were written by many users who may not be well informed about the facts they are publishing it is pretty likely that some information on Wikipedia may false.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

O, M. (2015, January 9). Top 10 eBook Reader 2015/ Compare E-reader. Retrieved February 4, 2015.

Urich, C.(2015, February 4).  Digital Blog Post #D. Created with PowToon

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


My first concept that I found interesting in chapter three is Instructional Methods to Engage Students. There are four instructional teaching method to engage students the first on is One-on-one tutoring which is a method involving the teacher teach a single student to maximize the learning. The second method is learning groups which involves students working out problems together in groups that help produce a higher quality outcome of explanations and performances. The third method is Inquiry Learning and that involves engaging students to work on projects that are specifically on one subject and activates work by investigating relevant questions in that certain field. Finally the last method is Metacognitive thinking and that involves showing students how to examine their own individual learning method through self-explanation and self-evaluation.

Next I found the concept of Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and Constructionism to be very interesting and very informational. Once again this concept follows four learning theories. First theory is Behaviorism and that has to do with maintaining a learned set of changes in the human behavior and how to respond to certain events in our environment. Second learning theory is Cognitivism and that involves influencing learning by nonobservable and internal constructs. Third theory is Constructivism and that has to deal with every persons interprets and constructs in the world. Forth theory is called the Constructionism and it was a term that a computer made up to emphases that learners build their own knowledge.

Finally the last concept that really stood out to me in chapter three was Groupwork and Collaboration. This Concept is very basic but very informational it goes on to give you the definition of groupwork which is working among classmates in a certain assignment or task, the definition for cooperative learning is students playing different roles such as one person taking down notes, one person researching and or the other person presenting.

Now for my conclusion I fell that all three of these concepts Instructional Methods to Engage, Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and Constructionism and finally Groupwork and Collaboration all have a big part in chapter and stood out to me because you need to know how to engage you students/audience no matter what setting you are in. Secondly it is very important to what teachers/ professionals follow in combination to learning. Finally everyone should know what Groupwork and collaboration is because we have all worked in a group no matter what age you are and without it we would never hear the thoughts that other people need to share.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

E,D.(2010, June 17). Behaviorism,Cognitivism, Constructivism& Learning and Instructional Theory. Retrieved January 26,2015, from

Urich, C.(2015, January 26). Collaboration. Created with ToonDoos

Monday, January 26, 2015

Digital Badge #B - Chapter 2

My first concept of choice is the Apps for Teaching and Learning. I chose this concept because I was thinking about what this means for me as a future teacher and current student. As I reflect on this concept I find it to be extremely important to this generation of students and future students because of the advantages it gives teachers. Not only is it a great visual learning tool but it helps keep the students interested in learning by transforming everyday studies into a game they can enjoy and learn from. Apps for Teaching and Learning is a simple way to incorporate subjects like Math, Science, English, History, etc. in the students everyday life by adding these subjects to their phones, IPads, etc. Listed below is a short clip of just one App you can download.

My next concept of choice is Your Teaching Philosophy. Your Teaching Philosophy is your ideas and assumptions on how to teach so students will learn. A teachers philosophy is one of the most important things a teacher can have throughout their careers for it is the way you know and understand how to teach from the experience they have accumulated. You can a lot about the teacher about their philosophy, for example: do they prefer the to give the assignment as is from the text, do they prefer to make it fun by making a game out of the subject, or do they prefer having the student self teach themselves and make so that they learn the material through the homework. My teaching philosophy would be to turn it into a game but at the same time be versatile for not every student learns the same way. That being said I would have to adaptable as teacher and be able to change philosophy as come across new and different students.

Finally my last concept is Critics of Technology in Schools. Many people argue that technology will not change the way students learn and others say the contrary. Personally I believe that the use of technology in school will not only speed up the learning but also allow the students to mentally digest the curriculum. I also believe that by integrating technology in  schools also helps students get familiarized with new technology and computer programs which may benefit the students for any future use of any similar programs or everyday life use for we live in a very tech crazy world.

In conclusion, Teachers in today's world need can really benefit from technology that aids in teaching and such as Apps for phones and ipads by making it fun for the students to learn. A teacher's philosophy towards teaching should be forever changing to adapt to the learning needs to different students. And as technology keeps advancing so will teaching methods in order to acclimate students to the changes and prepare them for the world they live in regardless of what critics may think.


 Urich, C. (2015, January 22). Barriers to Technology in Education. Created with Padle.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

W,W. (2013, July 29). Writing Wizard: Kids Learn to Write Letters and Words-IPad Educational App.
 Retrieved January 22, 2015, from

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Digital Badge #A - Chapter 1

First, In today society adolescence use technology way more than they used it a few years ago. A few of the ways they use technology today is for social media, games, and music. Adolescence spend an average of seven hours and thirty-eight minutes a day on their computers or cell phone. That's almost a third of their day they're on their phones and/ or computers. But even though they spend most of their days on social media, technology gives them a helping hand when it comes to school by assisting them with reports, projects, etc. This will impact me as a teacher both in an negative and positive ways. For example my students will always be distracted about they're friends social lives on social media or they may find passing the level in their games more important. But on a positive note I will always be confident in their capability by the information they can find online assist them with class assignments.

Second, I want to talk about technology based teaching tools, Such as Smart Boards. I fell that Smart Boards will have a huge impact on myself as a teacher because they are so advance into today technology, they cover a vast area of teaching methods like visual, auditory, etc.  For example if I was a math teacher and I had a student who need to visualize what I am lecturing about well then I can just turn on the Smart Board and have him or myself write it down, so in that example I am teaching not just one method but two (visual and auditory). As I was graduating high school smart boards were just coming into the teaching world, but now three years later it seems like they are really taking off. Below I've placed a YouTube video on why Smart Boards are so easy to use, It also shows in this video how importation the details are on why Smart Boards really come in handy in classroom settings.

Third, Technology based offices give teachers today an edge with organizing and teaching. Meanwhile if you reversed time to a few years ago teachers would literally have a desk and filing cabinets and a cluster of papers all over. But now in today's technological world all a teachers need is a laptop and a hard drive which practically gives them a portable office for them to carry around. This impacts teachers in positive also making it easier for teacher to take their work home with them. This would also assist me for example, those days that I didn't have enough time to finish grading assignment I could go to the local Starbucks get my morning coffee, utilize their WiFi, and finish grading assignments before going into the classroom.

In conclusion, I fell that all three of these technological concepts, Adolescence use technology, Technology based teaching tools and Technology based offices would be greatly used and beneficial to the twenty first century of teaching not just at school but in homes as well. Its very important for the older teachers and the newer teachers to stay current and up to date on the new enhancements that technology has to offer, not just for the students but for them as well, this technology was developed and designed to make everyone's life a little easier one day at a time.


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

M, C. (2009, April 13). SMART Education Solutions . Retrieved January 18, 2015, from