Friday, May 1, 2015

EME 2040 Reflective Post

My experiences with EME 2040 online class have been amazing! I was extremely nervous to sign up for this class. I had no idea what I was getting myself into because this was my first teaching class and I just decided over last summer to purse my passion in the education industry. When I first bought my textbook I immediately felt overwhelmed because of all of the information listed inside, the thought ran through my mind how could I possibly learn everything thing in this book? Below I added a photo of what the book looks like.

 To calm myself of the nervousness I logged on to the canvas website and looked up our syllabus to see the exact layout of our class schedule. I've added a Photo below that shows you what the Class schedule looks like in our syllabus.
Before I even got to click on the syllabus a video on our home page caught my attention, In that video was our professor Mrs. Coleman and she was briefly herself as well as describing what we will be facing in this class. This video was great! It really helped calm my nerves because I got to see and learn about my professor, and her personality, and what to except from this class. I've taken online classes before where I have had no idea what my professor looks like or how their personalities are. Now for the syllabus, it really helped me because it broke down the assignments week by week which made the class assignments less overwhelming. My favorite assignments were: First the group activity called “lesson plan”, I really enjoyed this activity because it was nice working with my classmates and learning about their teaching experiences. I found their learning experiences to be very interesting mainly because I haven’t been lucky enough to experience it myself, so it was nice hearing their stories as well as working together in a group to complete our project together. The second assignment that I really enjoyed is called the “Digital Blog Post”. We were given these at least once a week, what I liked most about this assignment is that we had to speak about the three concepts from the chapter. Doing so really helped me learn what the chapters were about and then I got to express these concepts with some personal experiences through new technology called “GoogleBlogger”. I've never used any type of blogging tool so it was great learning how to. Overall I really enjoyed taking this class, I am so happy I started with this class as a first step towards my teaching career I would recommend this class to anyone interested in the teaching profession. 

Below I uploaded a short video which is a timeline of technology for teachers from YouTube:

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

SMART, Technologies EMEA. (2011, 10 03).The history of technology in education. Retrieved 4 29, 2015, from you tube :

Verock, R.-E. A. (2015). Transforming Learning with New Technologies (2nd Edition). Retrieved 4 29, 2015, from Amazon: