Thursday, April 16, 2015


For my first concept I found the idea of Inclusion and Infusion of Technology very interesting. “Inclusion means that computers and information technologies are used mainly for transferring information and practicing skills.” “Infusion, on the other hand, means that computers and other information technologies are ongoing features of teaching and learning in all academic subjects at all grades.” In other words the use of Inclusion technology would involve minimal uses of computer based teaching meaning while Infusion would infer to a maximal use computer based teaching. When I was in high school when had to do Inclusion, we had to go to the computer lab at least once a week. But now most high school students have to complete infusion where they must go to the computer lab every day. I've entered a short video below just to show you how simple inclusion is and how much it can change a life. 

For my second concept I chose One-to-One Laptop Computing. “One-to-One Laptop Computing means every student in a grade school, or district has her or his own computing device to use in school.” This gives student something of a digital binder for classes that can benefit both students and teachers. The laptops would make it easy for students to organize their digital binder categorized by subject and date to help students and teachers keep track of their school work. Unfortunately the students’ handwriting skill may decay and may not progress as it should. Being a college student and using my laptop for organization reason has really helped me out, I wish one-to-one laptop computing was aloud in high school because I know it could have helped me out a lot with staying organized especially taking eight classes.

My last concept is Developing a Technology-Leading Mindset. Teachers that have technology-leading mindset tend to have a more creative way of teaching. The world as we know it is becoming more technical by the years, so why wouldn’t teachers have this mindset. This mindset will fill teachers’ curiosity and perseverance that will allow teachers to keep search for technology which will assist with the student’s learning. For teachers this search is never ending, for there is always a new type of technology to assist them in teaching as well as learning for teachers. I have not personally dealt with siltation but from what I have read this technology sounds very impressive and useful.

In conclusion, my concepts were Inclusion and Infusion of Technology, One-to-One Laptop Computing, and Developing a Technology-Leading Mindset. Inclusion and infusion of technology infers to the minimal and maximal use of computing technology. One-to-one Laptop Computing would benefit students with the organizing task a student would usually face on his own. And Developing a Technology Leading Mindset is the future of education for future teachers to obtain to help students reach their academic potentials.  


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Urich, C. (2015, 4 16). your designs . Retrieved 4 16, 2015, from canva:

colorincolorado. (2014, 12 14).Inclusion. Retrieved 4 16, 2015, from you tube :

Thursday, April 9, 2015


For my first concept I chose Using Social Bookmarking. Social bookmarking peaked my arousal due to the thought of having a project that is worth the majority of your grade can be stressful especially when you have to do the research. Thanks to social bookmarking the research is no longer a big deal. Students go online to research certain subjects for projects and regular class work but since there has already been a certain amount of students researching the same information social bookmarking allows the students to find information easier due to prior searches done by other students on the subject. I have personally used this method for some of my research papers through high school and college.

Now for my second concept I found Taking Virtual Field Trips to be very interesting because the thought of going around the world without taking a step off the United States boarder is amazing but doing it without taking a step outside of your class room is just unconceivable. Due to our technology student can travel to places of academic interest without from school. Imagine you have a project on Asian architect and being able to do that project without traveling to the other side of the planet. In my opinion it saves both time and money I just wish this technology came out a long time ago. I've uploaded a short nine minute virtual field trip video to the Amazon Rainforest. 

Finally for my last concept I picked Debates over Virtual School. There have been many arguments on whether students should have the option to do schooling online rather than going to schools instead. I believe this debate brings up both good and bad scenarios. The idea of not having to wake up early everyday to go to school can play less stress on students. Also the idea of working at your own pace and taking your time with a class assignment or completing a week’s work worth of assignments in one day and having a six day weekend would an excellent way to go through your school work. Unfortunately this would mean fewer students going to school making the demand for teachers very low causing most of them to lose their jobs. Some may also argue learning through a computer is not the same as learning from a person. Also there is really no way of knowing if the student is doing the work or if someone else is doing it for them.

In conclusion, my concepts were Social Bookmarking, Taking Virtual Field Trips, and Debates over Virtual Schools. Social Bookmarking is great for students who are searching certain websites for research purposes. Taking Virtual Field Trips are interesting due to the thought of exploring the world without leaving your classroom. And Debates over Virtual School can be both benefit and be an inconvenience to the students.   

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Urich, C. (2015, 4 7). your designs . Retrieved 4 9, 2015, from canva:

VirtualFieldTripsnet. (2014, 11 1). Virtual Field Trip - Amazon Rainforest. Retrieved 4 8, 2015, from you tube :

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


For my first concept I chose Democratic Schools and Classrooms. “Democratic schools and classrooms are places where students and teachers together make substantive decisions about important aspects of educational operations, from the academic curriculum to school climate and rules.” The benefit of implementing democracy in the education system can increase cooperation from students for they have a say in the rules and teaching methods. As well as happy teaching staff for they also have a say in the way they can teach their classes and go about their days. Unfortunately there is a downside to having a democratic school and classroom. If there are too many votes that which counter act each other the number of unhappy students and teachers will be high.I do not have any personal experiences with this topic but I can definitely see how they can counter act each other.
Now for my second concept I picked Online Surveys for Preassessment. “Online surveys are an effective way to activate prior knowledge and involve students in the Preassessment process.” “Preassessments occur before introducing a new lesson, topic, or unit as a way for teachers to determine what the students know or can already do in order to inform subsequent plans for teaching.” This technique can be used to assess the student knowledge on what they are and are not familiar with the curriculum. Teachers can use this to give themselves and idea on what the majority of the students need to sharpen up on to keep them caught up with the curriculum. In middle school I remember having to take about two or three preassements test, because I was going into high school and  they wanted to see where to place me in reading and math classes (intermediate, normal, or  advance).

Finally for my third concept I picked Preparing for High Stakes Tests. High stakes test, similar to the FCAT are required to pass in order for the student pass there grade level or even high school. Preparing for these test are critical for both teachers and students because students need to pass their grade levels and it’s the teacher’s duty for the student to pass. High stakes test usually consist certain subjects such as language arts, math, science or history and multiple choice question which give the students a 25% chance of getting the questions correct. I remember Back in high school having to take an entire elective class called "test prep" and it was just a class to help us get prepared for the FCAT and SAT, to me it was a complete waist of time but to others in seemed to really help.  I've uploaded this three minute video that informs you on some general information about high stakes testing.

In conclusion democratic schools and classrooms can have ups and downs either benefiting the teacher, students, both or even neither. Surveys for Preassessment help student in the learning process by showing teachers what is needed for the students to improve and stay on track with the curriculum. Preparing for high stakes test help student pass their grade and even high school. This is my conclusion to my concepts.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Prepworks2400. (2013, May 29) How to Prepare for SAT,ACT, and High-Stakes Test.

 Retrieved March 31, 2015.

 Urich, C. (2015, March 31).DIGITAL BLOG POST #J Chapter 11. Retrieved March 20,2015. from